I cam in like a POKEBALL
evora @evora
I cam in like a POKEBALL
evora @evora
Help me write the wrest of my song lol!
I don't have to check, on my pok-e-dex, to know that i chose you. your love is impressive, its super effective, Its why I will always chose you! I CAME IN LIKE A POKEBALLLLLLL, I JUST WANTED TO COLLECT THEM ALLLLLL, ALL I WANTED WAS A BADGE FROM YAAAAA, ALL YA EVER DID WAS DE-FEE-EA-EAT ME!
Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
I cam in like a POKEBALL
Karasu @kain_karasu
You shame pokemon by putting the pokemon universe into a miley cyrus song...the only way you could shame yourself is if this was done to a justin beiber song.
evora @evora
commented on
I cam in like a POKEBALL
evora @evora
Its called a humanitarian effort where we take a huge toxic disaster and try to repair the damage its done to society and life's it has ruined! Justin Beiber is a lost cause and should be dragged behind the shed and well... watch Old Yeller.
Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
I cam in like a POKEBALL
Karasu @kain_karasu
They're both lost causes if you haven't noticed...I'm pretty sure any pokemon fan around would agree with me about my previous statement, some things just shouldn't be done man...
evora @evora
commented on
I cam in like a POKEBALL
evora @evora
LOL. well still find the song funny and had no idea other pokemon fans were so closed minded. Good thing "any pokemon fan around the world" has you to speak for them!
Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
I cam in like a POKEBALL
Karasu @kain_karasu
I'm not speaking for them at all, I said 'pretty sure'...I know my opinions don't speak for everyone, though I do think those that would disagree with me about what I said to be in the minority. Also, you seem to be getting the wrong idea here, I'm just trying to tell you that from what I've generally seen people don't like miley cyrus, and when you associate something like that with something people like, it's most likely not going to end well. Anyways...good luck finding people to paint shit gold for you...
evora @evora
commented on
I cam in like a POKEBALL
evora @evora
semantics and projection my friend. You made the same argument in different words followed by a derogatory remark. Live long and prosper.
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
I cam in like a POKEBALL
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Heavy metal pokemon dam dam dam yeaaaaaaa. heavy metal pokemon dam dam dam bam bam bam badum badum badum ts ts ts *Guitar solo* Ohhhh yeaaaaaa i will be the very best I will burn down the rest and make sure pikachu finds his mother because thats his goal in life or something dam dam dam yeaaaaaa rock woooooooooo
fuck the police fuck justin bieber *guitar solo* Team rocket now its your turn ! Not bad !! Now only the boys:
evora @evora
commented on
I cam in like a POKEBALL
evora @evora
I close my eyes. only for a moment and my HPs gone
all my dreams of gym badges spark these curiositys
Gust used by wind
Gust is used by Pokemon classed wind
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
commented on
I cam in like a POKEBALL
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
Once uppon a time I was catching slowpoke, but now I'm only catching starmyu. Theres nothing I can do, I wasted the masterball on mewtwooooo.
Everywhere I go I try to catch charizard , but now I'm only falling appart. Theres nothing I can do, the masterball keeps existing in my heart.
ok this wasnt THAT good..sorry
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