Mass Effect? :O
AllyEmmie @allyemmie
Mass Effect? :O
AllyEmmie @allyemmie
Just trying to find fellow mass effect lovers! >u< I'm completely infatuated with the series and I'm hoping someone else is too. I play it on the Xbox 360. Maybe someone else has ME3? :O Finding someone to play multiplayer with is a bitch!
trapkitteh @trapkitteh
commented on
Mass Effect? :O
trapkitteh @trapkitteh
dude mass effect is beast
AllyEmmie @allyemmie
commented on
Mass Effect? :O
AllyEmmie @allyemmie
Yeees I finally found someone +n+ It's a miracle! I'm glad you agree...
Karasu @kain_karasu
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Mass Effect? :O
Karasu @kain_karasu
I love the Mass Effect games, though I will admit that I hated all the endings of ME3. Used to play multiplayer of ME3 a lot because it was fun to rampage around as a vanguard but I haven't played in a long time haha.
AllyEmmie @allyemmie
commented on
Mass Effect? :O
AllyEmmie @allyemmie
Well, it's gratifying when you get the best ending possible! I haven't been able to find anyone for multiplayer though. ouo The Repears asplode and everyone lives is apparently the best ending... I've been trying to get that ending for almost a year now!
Karasu @kain_karasu
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Mass Effect? :O
Karasu @kain_karasu
Well out of the three endings it's kinda lame that shepard dies in all of them, controlling them is probably the worst ending, destroying them wasn't very gratifying considering how everything in the universe becomes separated due to mass effect drivers being destroyed, and the assimilation option was just...dumb. I mean sure everything and everyone ends up living happily ever after through that option besides shepard, but it's just so...cheesy...they needed a fourth option. Where shepard doesn't die, he kills the brat controlling the reapers, then proceeds to go rambo on the rest of the reapers while not destroying the mass effect drivers, that would have been a gratifying ending...
Proud Beast @proudbeast
commented on
Mass Effect? :O
Proud Beast @proudbeast
Whaat? Best ending was that Citadel dlc lol. The endings were meh but I loved that dlc
. @saita
commented on
Mass Effect? :O
. @saita
There were a lot of people who weren't content with the endings to Mass Effect 3, and I personally I can't blame them cause I understand completely but I personally have no complaints. All things must come to an eventually eh? ~
I've done a few playthroughs of all three games, it was extremely satisfying for me to to see Garrus about to put the Shepard's name on the memorial wall inside the Normandy, but looks at the othes and decides not to.
While they may or may not be seperated forever due to the Mass Relays being gone, and a few other various reasons,
They knew he was still out there and that just brought a bunch of nerdy tears to my eyes. xD
It was certainly happier than my first playthrough of the three games, now THAT'S a story Lol.
I play the series on the 360 despite being more of a PC gamer personally, I didn't know the multiplayer feature of ME3 was still continuing, since EA Games has a habit of shutting their servers down, I enjoy the multiplayer and i've love to play with you a week and a half from now at the least.(When I finish moving and I get internet that is.)
Till then we can rant about the series if you want.
It's one of my alltime favorites. ~
AllyEmmie @allyemmie
commented on
Mass Effect? :O
AllyEmmie @allyemmie
o^o Either I have really good timing or... I have really good timing!! It's been... 9 days since your reply, I think. I dunno. Math isn't my strong point :l I'd really like to have someone to play with! My GT is xxallyaxx if you ever get around to it =3
andegame @andegame
commented on
Mass Effect? :O
andegame @andegame
I loved the Mass Effect series, can't believe how much people freaked over the ending of 3. I mean sueing the company for false advertisement? Come on. lol
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