Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
obranovs @obranovs
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Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
obranovs @obranovs
When I was in Japan, I got into an epic stare-down with a crow. I won. Crows can be kinda intimidating when they're staring at you from ~5 feet away...at eye level. Nonetheless, I won, as the crow stopped staring first.
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
wow and you somehow managed to stay alive ? Badass Level Over 9000 :D
obranovs @obranovs
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Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
obranovs @obranovs
Really? I'm reading 1006...
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
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Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
I once wrestled a bear into submission and then I rode it like I had a bear calvary. Pretty boss.
nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
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Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
One time I beat the shit out of a pigeon.
(Kidding :p)
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
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Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
Blue Eyes White Dragon @jotarokaiba
R.I.P pigeotto. You were my favorite pokemon. But now I know who will get all of my revenge.
obranovs @obranovs
commented on
Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
obranovs @obranovs
I tamed a wild snake once, when I was 8 or 9. I still have it. It bit me once, but through cold indifference, it now recognizes me as its master.
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
I've fought with myself...if that's what you were asking. It was over what to get at Chili's. In a heartwrenching battle between a burger, ribs or steak I went with the ribs. Tough call, but I regret nothing.
. @saita
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Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
. @saita
Does my ex girlfriend count as a wild animal?
manga_man359 @manga_man359
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Have you ever had to fight a wild animal ?
manga_man359 @manga_man359
When I was 16 I was out squerl with my pelet gun and mist a squerl and shot a fisher cat it came at me I ran it cout me by my leg and I fell doun. I was abele to take out my poket knife and started to slashing at it I ended up geting it in the hart after it fell dead I cut the spine so it didn't get back up I whacked back to the house cleans up skinned that fucker and patched up my leg and arms. It toke me about a month to heal after that ordeal how's that. And yes it is a true story.
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