why did you join MaiOtaku?
chris913 @chris913
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why did you join MaiOtaku?
chris913 @chris913
^ first off your names awesome, secondly I joined to meet more otakus, don't find that many around the area I'm in ATM, no where near any places that through conventions so I came hoping to find some good new friends to recommend manga and anime, if I find my nodame(if you know who that is) great, if not it'll happen soon anyway. Lastly, for all those that don't know, one piece is the greatest anime/manga ever made. That is all! V(^.^)
xueli @xueli
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why did you join MaiOtaku?
xueli @xueli
I don't even remember how I found this site, but I remember I joined specifically because there was a topic about how obamacare would install a RFID chip in people and I couldn't not comment on that :p
Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
why did you join MaiOtaku?
Karasu @kain_karasu
I was bored, perusing the interwebs and asked myself, "why the hell not?"...and since I couldn't find an answer here I am haha
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
why did you join MaiOtaku?
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
I felt a strong force from this site +_+....But it was really because I was tempted with cookies and cake.
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
why did you join MaiOtaku?
ロイ @wallace614
I can't believed nobody mentioned the girls in the skimpy cosplay outfits
daca6665 @daca6665
commented on
why did you join MaiOtaku?
daca6665 @daca6665
I joined to meet people not many otaku in my area and kinda looking for a gf but no luck ever so what the hell no harm in talking to the world in its place
✦ ♫ zansteel ♫ ✦ @zansteel
commented on
why did you join MaiOtaku?
✦ ♫ zansteel ♫ ✦ @zansteel
I joined cause the idea of a place inhabited by similar minds is cool...I'd like to share topics about anime too
ataraxia @ataraxia
commented on
why did you join MaiOtaku?
ataraxia @ataraxia
Free cookies
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
why did you join MaiOtaku?
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
wingeater @wingeater
commented on
why did you join MaiOtaku?
wingeater @wingeater
I did it for the fangirls
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