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I'm feeling like i'm ugly i'm i

Before i start this thought i don't need negative feed back on this post (I mean it!) because everyone goes through something in their life meaning if you cute and you think your shit is made from gold srry i hate to tell you and bust your bubble you not any different from the rest of us that feel like something needs to be improved looks wise psst. Anyway i been feeling like i'm ugly because i look at myself in the mirror and its like ugh why you look like that then i have days i feel like im cute i have a great sense of humor and fluffy like a teddy bear but i just feel like im not good enough for a girl like im a person that loves to cuddle and love but cant find anyone and i get that im ok or average looking like that hurts me in ways becuse really society is build on looks and not how a person can treat you like its stupid.
What its about is confidence and really just stop looking for that someone and concentrate on your future goals first because theirs a time and place for everything.
Thank you namanii
Wolfyxuchiha what namnam says confident and focus on your future, I too felt the same way as you do and heck we all have these moment when we feel damn ugly or just happen to look good! xD I just think you should focus on what you have and what you wanna do and stop thinking on what you dont have! It will happen someday that a girl find your uniqueness attractive. :) As you say, you have a great sense of humor, girls like that. Even though its about a job interview but I do think I do kinda similar to this dude here when I have to cheer myself up lol!!! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_18jNfGimA 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
Lol what.... You don't have to many pictures up with good face shots. But from what I can tell you're not ugly at all. You seem to have one of those faces a lot of Latina girls go for. I'm not sure if you've tried your chance at that crowd, but I see a lot of Latino couples here in Florida so I get a hint of what they like. So find your crowd and stick with it.
Hey thanks guys i appropriate the cheer up's Is just it really brings you down you know im a guy that loves to have fun and loves anime and video games but then i step back i look at myself and say how disgusting i feel with myself :'( i know confidence is key i know that but life is based on ripped dudes and cute faces like what ever happen to what matters in the inside rather what matters in the outside xD what ever happen to a guy that dresses up in a sweater and so looks like a fluffy bear no ones goes for that anymore (Yes i look like a teddy weddy bear lol) but in all honesty im simply a hopeless romantic guy who people tell him you look ok or average it makes me feel like im not the best looking guy never will be i guess.
Just keep it up bro! The important is that you stay true to yourself, unless if you really have rotten personality.. xD In the end one of the reason many relationships fails is because people tends to focus too much on looks instead of personality. :P So just remember when a girl rejects you immediately without giving you a chance to show your personality, well too bad for her. (*^▽^*) I also hope one day a girl will accept the way I am and my heavy baggage lol! (⌒_⌒;)
:-::P People say girls like chubby guys idk xD
Your welcome :D I had the same thing when i was in middle school then i broke out of that in 8th grade. Ppl started saying i was cool and never saw that side of me but also just make sure you let them know your not a pushover people admire people that don't take no crap either you are you and let them know if they can't deal with it THERES THE DOOR LOL.
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