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Last online 5日 ago
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Thank you Yellow Otaku. It's kinda the luck of the draw for me when it next trip hits into place but the most I could ask for in not days is a good cool breeze and shade, plus an air condition car.
Jun 23, 24 at 8:55pm
Glad you had a good time on your trip. Never heard of that place but it sounds nice. You'll have to tell me what those Japanese secrets to good luck and happiness are.
Digital art from a month or two ago that I made.
I'm still keeping an eye out for my special someone. ______________________________________________________ Age: (Has to be near my age or older, but no older than 35) Height: ??? Personality: fun/funny, light hearted and loving, very open-minded, dependable, peaceful, wise Hobbies: Music, singing, travel, poetry (Not limited to these by the way) Hair color: Black Eyes color: Turquoise or something close to it, green eyes are great too! Extra: I would highly appreciated finding someone who is loyal and respectful towards me, and possibly as a bonus happens to look like Venti. XD (I'm not a simp, I just know what kind of guys I like and from what I've learned I tend to lean on femboys that's what I've noticed over the years.)