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elk @elk
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elk @elk
Hey there, I see you like Gintama as well. Any favorite charecters or arcs? :O
arashi59 @arashi59
arashi59 @arashi59
Honestly, I was so lost on what was happening too!! But Idk I liked the series and the visuals soo… I know they released more but I haven’t watched them yet. I’m probably long overdue on binging the series.
cng @cng
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cng @cng
I watched KK on a Netflix recommendation and I have no idea what happened. I'm so far outside of the show's target audience but the music was so good I kept watching for the characters. Then I go to Anime NYC and they aired the movie about the Red King, it was pretty good. Sorry for the rambling but I saw the show in your profile and it was like "lol someone actually watched this random thing on Netflix too?"
arashi59 @arashi59
arashi59 @arashi59
krayz @krayz
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krayz @krayz