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Tabby @chaostabbean
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Sidereal Second
Tabby @chaostabbean
hai! my name is tabbi, my name is actually tabitha but i like to go by tabbi, i'll explain if we become friends! oh....yea...*holds out hand to shake*

ariel543 @boa646
left a comment for
Sidereal Second
ariel543 @boa646
hi want to be friends

Lamby @momoichi
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Sidereal Second
Lamby @momoichi
magnificent ginger beard and pretty flowers >w>!

Sidereal Second @sidereal_second
Sidereal Second @sidereal_second
I just recently moved to the Detroit area for work. Currently living in Lincoln Park, working in Royal Oak. I'm looking to make some friends in the area!
Besides anime, I'm really big into board/card games. My roommate just got me into Dice Masters, and I've got a couple MtG Commander decks laying around. I also like to longboard down nature trails and whatnot, but I haven't found anywhere nice to do that here yet.
If you wanna hang out, hit me up so we can get to know each other!