kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5

Isn't he just so cute?!

Baka @reinhardt76 The cutest of good bois

kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
When I come home from work, I usually walk my dog so he can do his deeds. Sometimes when I have nothing better to do, we walk up to my parents' house. I'll sit down in one of the chairs that's outside and look up at the forest that's close by while Yuki sits between my legs and wants me to pet him. It's quite refreshing since I have no friends.

Lishifu @hakutaku I have no friends in real life too.

kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5

kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
When it comes to games, I somehow feel some kind of satisfaction after helping new players by giving them information, advice or help them get stronger.

kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
Anyone wanna talk? Oh, what's the point of asking. I'm getting ignored anyway.

Lishifu @hakutaku O.o

kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
Anyone wanna talk? I'm bored

kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5

Imagine my surprise when I found out that this guy Bokuto, one of my favorite characters from Haikyuu, had the same birthday as me which is today. Happy Birthday Bokuto.

kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5

Truth hurts.

kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
Anyone wanna talk?

kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
kil_tor5 @kil_tor5
Great, caught a cold. And just one week before my birthday too. That's just sad