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easynow @easynow
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easynow @easynow
Sorry about the shitshow that is MaiOtaku, this place is where you learn to have crippling anxiety over any and all matters of the heart :/ Looks like you really got put through it

Van2587 @van2587
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Van2587 @van2587
Hello there? o.o

babydoll24 @babydoll24
babydoll24 @babydoll24
I truly wish the best for everyone. Even him, what I said was too far and I apologize for my actions. I don’t appreciate still getting attacked even after I had left this site and it’s unfortunate others had to go through this. Thank you guys for the support and backing up I have received. I will leave my account up so everyone is able to add me on discord as they please but I do not think I will be as active on here.