axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
commented on
Corey Anthony

axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
Lol cool

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
commented on
Corey Anthony

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

Saphire282 @saphire282
commented on
Corey Anthony

Saphire282 @saphire282

Naoko @naoko
commented on
Corey Anthony

Naoko @naoko
How many times have I wished I could do that myself......Then I remember it costs money and I put the wishy-washy demon down.

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
commented on
Corey Anthony

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
Hehehe That must of been a fun thing to do. -^^- Did it crash too many times? lol
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