Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
commented on
Death the kid!

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Ha! Yeah, though mine is 7 X)

gooberisbeast @gooberisbeast
commented on
Death the kid!

gooberisbeast @gooberisbeast
totally and his fav number is 8 because its symmetric how ever you slice it

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
commented on
Death the kid!

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Fashionably late! XD

gooberisbeast @gooberisbeast
commented on
Death the kid!

gooberisbeast @gooberisbeast
Yeah where he couldn't fight him in the beginning because he was like 99% symmetric only had like one tiny flaw. He is hilarious. i love how he wants to go to school but shows up like 3 hrs later.

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
commented on
Death the kid!

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Hmm my page didn't tell me you commented, I guess cause its your pic, yeah wasn't that the Egyptian one with Anubis

gooberisbeast @gooberisbeast
commented on
Death the kid!

gooberisbeast @gooberisbeast
Do you remember that episode?

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
commented on
Death the kid!

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Ha awesome X)
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