Mayor_Fuglycool @mayor_fuglycool
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

Mayor_Fuglycool @mayor_fuglycool
@ Saint
Yep :3)) I like Seras :3))
Yep I <3 dot hack too :3))

haseothepkk @haseothepkk
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

haseothepkk @haseothepkk
nice .hack manga stack

saintghoulsby @saintghoulsby
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

saintghoulsby @saintghoulsby
I spy a Seras Victoria poster.

Mayor_Fuglycool @mayor_fuglycool
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

Mayor_Fuglycool @mayor_fuglycool
:3)) yeah Pikachu is awesome

HarleyQuinnOfCrime @whiteroses1994
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

HarleyQuinnOfCrime @whiteroses1994
awww!!!!! i love pikachu!!! i am making ears to cosplay pikachuX33 and UmbreonX33

Hikarinoko @hikarinoko
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

Hikarinoko @hikarinoko

Mayor_Fuglycool @mayor_fuglycool
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

Mayor_Fuglycool @mayor_fuglycool
There are more, but I have to make a shelf in my room for them lol :3))

Hikarinoko @hikarinoko
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

Hikarinoko @hikarinoko
And here I thought I was the only one with a Pikachu collection.

Mayor_Fuglycool @mayor_fuglycool
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

Mayor_Fuglycool @mayor_fuglycool
:P Yea I love pika power

Eevee @eevee
commented on
Pikachu Shrine :3))

Eevee @eevee
cool cool,what with the random meowths lol,i never relaly liked meowth but i do adore persion x]
i wish my room had cool posters but dont got any D;
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