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38 year old Male
Last online 12年以上 ago
LOL I didn't know Domo is their version of Barney, but I take your word for it XD No problem, chatting whenever is fine =)
Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for kurokame
Nov 29, 10 at 12:59pm
If your number ends with a 75 I think I have ur number >.< I got some random persons phone number :P
Lol! I feel so bored and anxious today. :P There's nothing to do! I just wanna DO SOMETHING!. *sigh* I just messaged my friend to see if she wants to DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! DX But she doesn't usually like to go out. :( Maybe we should go jumping off of a dock and swim. Who cares if the water is cold? :P
Dude! Kamen Rider Spirit Rocks!! and Dragon Knight too!! :)
I don't live in Florida. I live on the island Bermuda in the atlantic ocean. The tiny dot on the map.
xkatiex @xkatiedidx left a comment for kurokame
Nov 13, 10 at 8:32pm
other than chii... i was hinata & nyuu/lucy.
LOL that would be cool to see a giant Pedo Bear XD But I know what you mean..not sure why some of those random creatures are there, but they're still cool ^_^ Hmm..they do seem anime-ish, possibly? Kinda like Domo Monster =D Ever notice if you go to places where they sell manga, there's always at least one domo monster nearby XD?
Dang how I would like to go to a convention. :D
Oh I can imagine that XD Combine Halloween with cosplayers and I'm sure everybody dresses up and goes wild and has fun XD!! Glad you had fun ^_^
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for kurokame
Nov 08, 10 at 12:44pm
no problem man, the site has been down for a while, and yeah I've already thought of that, I'm gonna do that at a few conventions and hand out business card and stuff to pretty much get the word out about my store/arcade and website. I got it all planned out
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