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31 year old Male
Last online 11年以上 ago
harvey, IL
a @animegirl4ever09189 left a comment for Kuroi
Apr 09, 10 at 9:45pm
ah well...have you looked for ones around your area or close? I'm going to anime next (2 ish hours from where I live but it will be worth it)
a @animegirl4ever09189 left a comment for Kuroi
Apr 09, 10 at 7:19pm
thats cool though (even the smallest things are the most magical and exciting) you don't have to have alot of stuff over the summer to still have a magical summer
a @animegirl4ever09189 left a comment for Kuroi
Apr 09, 10 at 5:59pm
lol yeah I have a busy summer its not always like this though
konachan @konachan left a comment for Kuroi
Apr 09, 10 at 2:28pm
Hmm what's new..................................Ummm well nothing really, school work. I haven't really been able to do anything else. My Birthday is Sunday so I'm going to celebrate sometime with friends. I might go to a convention in two weeks but that's it. :D What's new with you?
a @animegirl4ever09189 left a comment for Kuroi
Apr 09, 10 at 7:41am
April- Doctor who comes out with a new season, vicTorius premires, may- sand chronicals 8 comes out, anxious hearts comes out, the possibility of that double date, and its our last few weeks of school june- anime next, and eclipse July- linger comes out, a concert, I get to see my uncule, I get to spend a week at my grandma's ,going to play's
Akira @akira left a comment for Kuroi
Apr 08, 10 at 10:39pm
yeah i dont watch bleach anymore though. it just keeps going and going and going >.< never seen that before was it good? do you remember blue submarine no 7?
saiyuki113 @saiyuki113 left a comment for Kuroi
Apr 08, 10 at 5:44pm
Not for awhile. I have some old bills to pay first.
Akira @akira left a comment for Kuroi
Apr 08, 10 at 11:14am
Yes! omg the only reason why i turn it on now is for FMA brotherhood. So what are your fav animes?
nothing how about you
a @animegirl4ever09189 left a comment for Kuroi
Apr 08, 10 at 9:05am
heck yes! and lots and lots of good things are going on this summer fir me