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joshua_patterson16 @joshua_patterson16
joshua_patterson16 @joshua_patterson16
am 16m looking for some HAWT otaku females to conversate with, i may not me a cunning linguist but you can bet i'm a master debater hmu or don't
Any story writers here?

joshua_patterson16 @joshua_patterson16
commented on
Any story writers here?
joshua_patterson16 @joshua_patterson16
am story writer, am write story about wizard who prefers martial arts to spells, it called "runes of the master" and me had my friend post on wattpad his name conundrum litirature
How do you fall asleep?

joshua_patterson16 @joshua_patterson16
commented on
How do you fall asleep?
joshua_patterson16 @joshua_patterson16
i close my eyes and imagine i'm not alone and that miku-chan is seranading me to the land of clouds and sheep