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Last online 4年弱 ago
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 7:31pm
I loved to swim when I was younger :) now not as much lol, secretly a mermaid though. My whole child hood would take too long :P
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 7:22pm
Dawh, thanks :") That's so funny though, did you ever play the game where you have to guess the movie or tv show and swim to the other side? Or the dunking game ... They would drown me every time ): I have proceeded to tell you my whole childhood. I'm so sorrrrry!! lol
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 7:10pm
Night swimming and skinny dipping :) Lmao. I have this irrational fear of being in a pool alone cause my friends would freak me out and say stuff was in the water lol. I remember we would race from one end of the pool to the other and see who could hold their breath the whole way and get there the fastest. Good times .... Q.Q
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 6:59pm
Muchhhhh better, they are beautimus! :) When I was younger we would always camp out on trampolines, then proceed to freeze to death when we would wake up lol
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 6:44pm
Pack your house, the dark side is homeless lol. I agree though, no overeating but just pure junk. Savory sweet junk 8)
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 6:27pm
Come to the dark side for all the sweet mexican foods lol. That sounds really good though, I'd totally eat that. I feel like I eat out so much nowadays.
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 6:14pm
What a wonderful way to destroy a nap though. I had Mexican food, in all its tasty glory of cheese and chicken lol. What are you having?
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 6:04pm
Videogames, killer of all naps lol. Dinner! How could I forget something so important D: I had my dinner at like 4 though so that may be why :P
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 5:46pm
Glad it hasn't been too bad then :P It has gone by super quick, 6:46 and almost close enough to bed time!!! yay haha :)
kakonicole @kakonicole left a comment for Pillow
Aug 22, 16 at 5:38pm
You're Welcome :D My day has been great, just super tired and sleepy lol, class has put me to sleep today. How about you?