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35 year old Female
Last online 約2時間 ago
Jun 03, 24 at 4:24pm
Oh. Someone who actually read it. Thanks. I'll accept your request now. How are you feeling lately?
Jun 02, 24 at 12:19am
I never felt more the same kind of way in your about me so decided to say hi. Lol don’t really do this ever but felt I should just shake it off and go for it. How’s it going?
Jun 02, 24 at 12:19am
I never felt more the same kind of way in your about me so decided to say hi. Lol don’t really do this ever but felt I should just shake it off and go for it. How’s it going?
May 29, 24 at 3:01pm
Uwa! Well then. That's awesome. What sort of projects have you worked on?
May 29, 24 at 2:08pm
I actually am quite familiar with it, I am a graphics designer professionally. ^^
May 29, 24 at 1:43pm
Awesome. Color theory is one of my favorite parts, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it, too. I'm excited to see what you'll discover. :D
May 29, 24 at 3:47am
I'll color digitally. Don't really like using colored pencils all that much.
May 28, 24 at 8:58pm
Your strokes are becoming more confident. Can't wait to see what you do when you get inking. Are you planning on moving onto color at all or sticking to pencil?
May 28, 24 at 7:47pm
Only did a bit of doodling today.
May 28, 24 at 8:56pm
I appreciate that, and I will for sure. I know a few people on here love a good sea chanty. lol
I absolutely love the hurdy gurdy, however, with your background((And shoulder), the first one(Guzheng) would probably be a more natural transition. Either way, grace us with a musical update whenever you decide. :)
May 23, 24 at 5:09pm
The Hurdy Gurdy won the instrument vote by one. I counted votes from Discord, MO, Quotev, and Twitter. Here's how I plan to go about it: https://ko-fi.com/corutanic/goal?g=0
May 20, 24 at 12:05pm
I suck at backgrounds too. That's why I've really been working on them. Especially 1 point perspective. What program are you using? I might be able to give a few useful tools.
Another one I did and really love, can you guys do backgrounds at all? I suck at them so much
May 16, 24 at 5:14pm
If anyone wants to give feedback, I have a poll on my Tweeter I could use some help with: https://twitter.com/ORakashael/status/1791222478854897830 I'd prefer a stringed instrument, since it suits my voice more, but we'll see what ye all say. FYI This is a guzheng and a hurdy gurdy:
Veru @verucassault I love hurdy gurdies
May 15, 24 at 3:13pm
Very cute. I like drawing kawaii aesthetics like cats and cute dresses. :)
I love drawing outfits and making up clothes so much.. same with hair What do you guys like drawing the most?
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