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35 year old Female
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beargirl @pandaangie left a comment for yuuzora
May 05, 24 at 5:05am
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May 03, 24 at 9:13pm
Sorry. I don't know these things. x.x
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May 03, 24 at 7:56pm
It's the nature of the kiss. You know... the tongue.... yeah... lots of social programming on my end. I liked the way it turned out, so I wanted to share it with people who could appreciate it for the art but I know how uncomfortable it can be depending on your upbringing. If it really isn't that bad, I guess I'll post it in the normal one. x.x
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May 03, 24 at 7:04pm
I was raised Irish Catholic. So... yeah I don't know what other people think is too spicy so I err on the side of caution.
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May 03, 24 at 3:46pm
Okay. Thanks.
May 03, 24 at 2:16pm
If you wouldn't let a kid read it, put it in the restricted section 'Adult Board'. It's where most the NSFW goes https://maiotaku.com/topics/44590 If you don't see it, you can change your account settings.
Apr 30, 24 at 4:56pm
Hey, you're a ginger, too. I don't meet many of my own people. I can literally count on my hand how many people I know.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying My cousin (my mom's sister's daughter) is a ginger as well. She is very gorgeous. A thing I've noticed with gingers, I think y'all are very gorgeous ^^
Apr 29, 24 at 3:45pm
Do people just dump their kitties around your property? ;n;
Criselington @criselington People dump all sort of animals around here. It's part of the reason I have like 3 rabbit clans on my property. It's more like they abandon animals near the woods and some of the animals just show up where I'm at. In this case though these are actually babies from a kitty that was abandoned here already.
yuuzora @yuuzora Sad. I hate humans. The kittens are cute though. They look relatively healthy considering everything else.
Criselington @criselington Yeah people suck, they see people growing things and are like it's okay to abandon things here obviously, it's their fault I bought this baby animal and didn't like it when it grew up anyways.
Apr 25, 24 at 9:31pm
Hnhn. Spicy noodles are a must. As for the bear, it's a good strategy. Black bears tend to be more timid and less interested in humans(except their food) so it's best to give them space or as they say 'if it's black, fight back; if it's brown lie down; if it's white, hope you have good life insurance' lol
1. What kind of noodles are your favorite?- Spicy 2. Do you have a favorite accent?- I can never choose. I think I love them all 3. Which of your friends (in general) is from the furthest away from you? (Like living in Cali you have a friend all the way in Gajurat, India)- I have a friend that lives in India 4. Have you ever made your own soap?- No. But it would be fun to do so one day 5. If you were walking in the woods and came across a black bear, what would you do?- Stay quiet if it's just passing by and try and seem bigger if it is taking an interest in me
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, that's why I said I would take a chance spooking it or moving around the black bear if it came close XD. With a brown or white bear I'd just faint and die lol
Apr 24, 24 at 3:47pm
Oki. We're good to go. How are you? Nice to meet you.
Apr 24, 24 at 3:44pm
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Apr 23, 24 at 10:34pm
First one is brilliant. I'll keep that in mind next time someone tries to spill their Main Character Syndrome all over. lol
Apr 23, 24 at 8:52pm
1. Influencer in the wild? | Become the antagonist of their vid. Shout: "I'm busy summoning demons here!" *Start chanting a harmless banishing spell while never breaking eye contact with an intense leer* 2. Main character trope? | Analytical, perceptive, always alert, frequently ends up embarrassing himself. 3. Portrait drawn? | I actually drew my own in art class back in high school. Think it's in my dad's room now. 4. Past centuries? | High middle ages. 5. Cat called? | Look around and try to figure out who they're talking to. Back when I had long hair, it has happened before when they saw me from behind.
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