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RedTempest @redtempest
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RedTempest @redtempest
No info? Me sad. :<
But judging and rainbow/random guessing from your information on your profile, I think it goes a little bit like this; anime fan/otaku, likes fan service in the anime, horror anime, romance anime and cats?
Let me know if I got anything, correct? :p

Deleted @martinhazuki
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Deleted @martinhazuki
Hiii yaaa fellow Anime fan from England \(^o^)/

bobko11 @bobko11
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bobko11 @bobko11
Thanks for the add
Psychological Horror

Yaku @yaku
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Psychological Horror
Yaku @yaku
Ever wanted to watch an Anime where you are wondering what the hell is going on, and do not in fact ever find out? Yet somehow you gain an action-filled combination of gore, nudity, and sex? That is Gantz. Minor information point: do read the manga from chapter 90 if you want continuity or some sense.
Mirai Nikki-
Sometimes one messed up character is all that is needed to turn a perfectly normal sport of "who will become God of time" into a ravaging of brain power.
Who else like yaoi here?

Yaku @yaku
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Who else like yaoi here?
Yaku @yaku
Both hard and soft!!! :D