Key @key17
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Key @key17
And I wasn't disagreeing with you either.
Just talking.

Key @key17
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Key @key17
I'm just saying that has someone who speaks both English and Spanish, has used it before, and live with people who speak using it constantly.
I find annoying, and lazy that some of use would just be too lazy to learn the proper language when they actually can.
I know what I'm talking about. I'm African. And we Africans do that to every language we get our fucking hands on.
It's a devaluation of the original language imo, even if others may just see it as an evolution.

Key @key17
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Key @key17
You were being too harsh man.

ロイ @wallace614
ロイ @wallace614
Cant have that fun no more http://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/aGwM655_700b.jpg

Key @key17
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Key @key17
Dude! Seriously, cut the crap!

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun

ロイ @wallace614
ロイ @wallace614
Come On All Maverick Needs Nudes
here http://maiotaku.com/mytopics/561/mytopics/19547

ZeldaChan @monjachan
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ZeldaChan @monjachan
yea... sadly it doesnt work out like that all the time... but it does kinda make sense.. as a manga can have a huuuge storyline... its difficult to get it all into a 12 episodes anime... heck no, even animes like fairy tail didnt go all out with all its episodes.... still gotta complete it but from what I hear the manga is still ongoing with the anime not really up to date atall.. maybe it will be completed.. maybe not o_o

ZeldaChan @monjachan
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ZeldaChan @monjachan
Sou ne.. anime and manga both have their individual charms.. <3
its why you cant have one over the other.... but there are quite a few mangas I wish would have turned into animes... I guess we better all just keep dreaming xD

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Gotta start a thread :p
Jul 4-7
Jul 3-6
Jan 9-11
Jul 4-8