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ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko

Last online 3年以上 ago
Valparaiso, IN
SWTOR = Star Wars The Old Knights Republic. It is set in the Star Wars universe ( AU ) a long time before the events of the movies. ESO = Elder Scrolls Online. Plays just like any other Elder Scrolls Online game with the features of an MMO. They actually have fun PVP. You also don't have to sub per month which is nice. You get bonuses if you do though. GW2 = Guild Wars 2. Its a nice somewhat steampunky fantasy game made by the Koreans. There is no monthly fee because they thrive off of a cash shop. But its not a pay to win game you can buy cosmetics and other stuff like that. Its comparable to Black Desert. Just less graphic intensive.
I'm rewatching that with a friend, it's their first time seeing it but my 8th :D
Silly. :) I would think there's better opportunity if you tried local cons. Normally people don't travel as far to get to those ( unless they're booth people sometimes) so they are local people too. Online can be challenging. I've heard that some people actually had success with dating sites like eHarmony. It worked out great for my sis come to think of it. :) Caution can also be a double edged sword. A lot of people online really aren't even worth telling the time of day to much less trying to get cozy with. However not enough action can lead to wasted opportunity too. I can't say what a good ratio is or what sort of timing is best, but flirting is a little fun in any case. Kpop uuuhh that is definitely one of the guilty pleasures for me too. I wouldn't be ballsy enough to go to a concert though. I keep telling my uncle that the LPs look like awesome giant Frisbees just to screw with him. They actually have a nice sound though. I like them better than cassettes because getting kinks out of tapes sucked ass.
I can say I'm about up there with you, I read more than watch sometimes though so listing all my horror manga will be a chore xD
I rotate between SWTOR , ESO, WoW, GW2, & FF14.
I haven't seen past that one but I have plans to watch the rest in the near future, life happened so I took a small break but things are fine now so I should be good x3 I'm also still working on that list, so most of my animes aren't up there yet
Thank you. 10 year long relationships have their own pitfalls. It is nice having the ability to read someone's mind but there is a flare of passion that happens in the beginning of a relationship that I miss sometimes. If you ever need an ear to talk to about relationship issues I am more than willing to listen. I'm not always the best at solving problems but having support is good. :) I want to go to cons with more buddies too. Its more fun that way. =^_____^= My husky is an amazingly spoiled B. I love her to death. But they destroy EVERYTHING. My parent's backyard looks like it has WW1 trenches. Its a real shame about your stuff. I sometimes get heartbroken when I loose an art file. It is hard to imagine loosing a whole bunch of personal items. My parents are ancient so they have a ton of records. That is sort of the beauty of different generations. The old becomes new again like with LPs. I live off of my cheap gaming headset. ^.^; And you are right there is a lot of hotels everywhere.
It's actually why I won't read a manga or watch an anime until a season or two is finished, I don't like getting interested in something only to have to wait a week to see what happens! :P
Sadly, I'm in the same boat as you, I planned to binge watch it once the season was over instead of catching myself waiting for new episodes.
I'm going to a local comic convention this Sunday. I'm really stoked for that. Its the only one I've been to other than another smaller one. Cons are pretty expensive. Photography is a fun hobby. The good thing about shooting with film is that it forces you to focus on a subject. DSLR cameras are great but people get lazy with them. I have a cousin who makes chain mail jewellery. I think it is a neat hobby. I think the people who make full on bodies of chain mail armor are insane. But it is also super amazing. Like the Dead Gentlemen on youtube did it for their series Journey Quest and I was floored. Also because the show was really funny. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZk5OjhEu6b5sW8t4hE9RA I love the outdoors too. Hiking seems like a fun activity. There is a lot of mountains and other stuff nearby. My husky would probably also appreciate a trip like that. Caves would be cool. I'd be afraid of getting bit by something. Ticks are another nasty thing to watch out for. What attracts you to music so much? Are you also into LPs and that sort of thing?
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