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24 year old Male
Last online 29分 ago
Detroit, MI
Nov 30, 22 at 12:19am
I'll probably post tears don't fall next, considering that's the kind of music that I'm used to!
Nov 29, 22 at 9:47pm
Sammy Hagar's I don't need love solo, it's honestly the hardest solo I think I've ever tried to cover. I'm not sure how he keeps the strings from droning or how he does it like three times in a row before he does power chords. It's a mixture of pull offs and hammer ons, it's pretty weird but sounds incredible when it's pulled off!
Gabriel @gabriel_true I agree. You've got a handle on the rythem, but it is still sounds rough. Not sure what advice to give on the droning. Looking up tips it suggests making sure to avoid tapping unwanted strings when changing positions. Maybe that's what's causing some of the unwanted sounds?
Nov 22, 22 at 7:36pm
Sobo275 @sobo275 It's a video of me playing the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Woah! It sounded so good!
Gabriel @gabriel_true That's on par with professional players. You should at least side hustle as a teacher honestly.
Sobo275 @sobo275 I'm not sure I'd go that far lol thank you
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying left a comment for Sobo275
Nov 10, 22 at 12:29pm
I should call you Dodo-senpai. Not because I think you are a dodo bird XD but some reason it sounds cute to me sksksk
I actually just recently found out about this school program called year up where they offer learning and have interns, just looked and saw theirs one in detroit michigan and you did go to school for IT. Im learning for my A+ currently Its called Yearup
Sobo275 @sobo275 Nice man, best of luck buddy! The A+ honestly isn't that hard at all if you have a basic general understanding of Windows, hardware, software, printers, mobile devices and networking devices/protocols. Just don't neglect your studies and you should be fine.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Appreciate it man and trying to remember port numbers, acryonms and some hardware stuff is whats killing me lol. Also learning some AD just to prepare for the help desk role if its needed.
Sobo275 @sobo275 I have a windows server at home that I manage, if you want some pointers lmk. I use active directory on it for a lab at home.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 For sure! I have a old 2 TB internal HDD that i wanna switch out for a 2 TB SSD in the future. I also have a 2TB M.2 SSD that i boot off of. I plan on turning the old HDD into a Nas to get some experience with servers.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Btw got any recxomended programs for running a VM? I wanan try running a Mac OS and a Linuex OS on VM to get more of a feel for how they work.
Sobo275 @sobo275 For free virtualization I'd use virtualbox I like it and it gets the job done, if you have a pro edition of Windows you should be able to use hyper-v. Then if you wanted to use Mac in a virtual machine I'd recommend checking out hackintosh but from my understanding it only works well on Intel processors, but I've never used hackintosh so I don't know for sure but I believe most Mac OS desktops and such use Intel. It's also not really "legal" so keep that in mind if that's an issue. For Linux I enjoy debian based distros, on my throwaway laptop I use Kali Linux which is Debian based but it comes pre loaded with hacking, password cracking, social engineering and reverse engineering tools. If you're not trying to do pentesting or anything like that I'd just get a basic edition of debian like ubuntu, I think it's pretty lightweight so shouldn't require a ton of CPU, ram and GPU processing.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Thanks man! Though i do have a intel processor and as long as it doesnt have some bad malware or along the lines of that then im fine with pirating it. I dont have a throw away pc so id rather not get my system fucked lol
Sobo275 @sobo275 Just do your research my man and you'll be fine
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Appreciate it, Cant wait to be done with A+. Ill be moving along to Net+ right after
Sobo275 @sobo275 After that I'd just find an entry level position, there's no point in getting higher certifications until you get into the field because you'll end up in a similar situation as myself, which is having all the certifications and skills I'd need to get a systems administrator position but can't get one because I don't have "workplace" experience.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Damn that sucks man, ive been applying to a bunch and kinda hoping a internship will pick me to start next year. I just changed out my old PSU for a new one with no instructions and switched out to 16 gb DDR4 3200 when i had 1 8 gig 2400 and 2 4 gigs. Its working fine for now, worst case scenario i need a new GPU,
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Im kinda turned off by the idea of having to do help desk though tbh so im considering coding, i do prefer the software side of things along with activiely making something, testing my skills and consistently learning.
Sobo275 @sobo275 Yeah so am I, and honestly you probably will still start off on help desk even with coding. But if you can get in more power to you, but here in Michigan it's workplace experience and/or degree.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Best of luck to both of us! Degrees are mostly a scam imo unlees you get it free mostly
Nov 02, 22 at 8:53pm
Getting back into CSGO!
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for Sobo275
Oct 31, 22 at 7:38pm
Sup! Happy Halloween, fool!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying left a comment for Sobo275
Oct 27, 22 at 1:40am
Good luck on your interview! Get there safely and just stay calm, cool and confident! Your best is always the best shot. Stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always. <3
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for Sobo275
Oct 19, 22 at 9:51pm
My transmission finally failed. Yeah 5k repair bill!
Sobo275 @sobo275 Oof sorry to hear that bto
Gabriel @gabriel_true Think you could be my Uber, haha!
Ghost @kuharido Why not just buy a new car?
Gabriel @gabriel_true Haha, that's funny.
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for Sobo275
Oct 16, 22 at 6:18pm
You been silent lately! What's the latest?
Sobo275 @sobo275 Eh not a whole lot just trying to get my career in order lol, been busy with that and life stuff you know how it goes.
Gabriel @gabriel_true Speaking of life how's your car holding up? Cause mine is about to lose it's transmission soon. Hate CVT transmissions with a passion and wish I hadn't bought a car with one. Worse yet it looks like the cost of replacing has gone up since last I checked. Don't know if you had any recommendations.
Sobo275 @sobo275 Yeah CVTs suck all kinds of ass lol, I'd almost recommend getting a pre-owned if you're not attached to your car. Late 90s to early 2000s aren't going for too much in my area. If you just need to get to point A to point B they're not bad cars, just dated features and stuff. Not only that but they're easier to work on if you're a DIY kind of guy and cheaper to work on if not. All the sensors in newer cars kinda kill the longevity IMO, especially because one sensor can keep your car from even driving in some instances. Not sure if that's the recommendation you wanted to hear but that's mine, also if you're going for cheap and reliable transportation I'd also recommend an engine with an OHV engine and just a generic auto or manual if you know how to drive one, just look up if the tranny that comes with the car isnt known to be bad you just need to scout online for info on that. I recommend OHV though because it's easier to work on and cheaper to work on which saves money, and they can be decently quick even with the less efficient airflow compared to a SOHC or DOHC, but those are generally a pain in the ass to work on and are more complex and usually are more expensive to maintain from my understanding. But it all depends on the engine but I think/believe that's a good rule of thumb. My cars holding up alright, I needed to take it in recently because of some issue with compression or a stuck/leaking EGR and I don't have the tools to check. But it's under warranty, so I'm straight thankfully lol.
Gabriel @gabriel_true Thanks! Yeah my car is paid off so I don't want to be rid of it unless it's totalled. Everything about my car should be fine. I've been it's only owner and kept up with all the normal maintenance. That said as you mentioned the sensors could come to be a bitch sooner than later. My mother's Ford Taurus had a heat sensor go bad and it took months for the mechanics to figure out which one so the car would start. Nothing else was wrong with it just that sensor and it literally kept the vehicle shut off. As for my transmission it could be anywhere from $5-6k. Car is only 7 years old with 130k miles. Don't want to ditch it yet. Especially if a dealership is just going to slap a new trans on it for a fraction of the cost and sell my vehicle for 3X the price!
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Oct 30-Nov 2