secretagentboi @secretagentboi
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
Sweet revenge
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
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Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
secretagentboi @secretagentboi I'd say either za hando or vanilla ice's stand are the strongest
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot Ima say Kakyoin's Hierophant Green, and Akira's Red Hot Chili Pepper. Kakyoin logically should be able to destroy any close range stands, as long as they can't manipulate time. Akira was a weirdo LOL but that stand is a demon at close range, but was too conceited to fight Josuke without his full power
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
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Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
secretagentboi @secretagentboi I'd say either za hando or vanilla ice's stand are the strongest
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot Ima say Kakyoin's Hierophant Green, and Akira's Red Hot Chili Pepper. Kakyoin logically should be able to destroy any close range stands, as long as they can't manipulate time. Akira was a weirdo LOL but that stand is a demon at close range, but was too conceited to fight Josuke without his full power
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
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Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
毛球先生 @joemama711
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毛球先生 @joemama711
Hey man do you still have my hamcost?
secretagentboi @secretagentboi What's that
毛球先生 @joemama711 Depends on how much the butcher wants
毛球先生 @joemama711
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毛球先生 @joemama711
The strangest thing happend, apprently my mother has veen having the same dreams as well
secretagentboi @secretagentboi That's creepy maybe someone is doing brujería on you
毛球先生 @joemama711 That it is, or the house is haunted. I have to google brujeria
毛球先生 @joemama711
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毛球先生 @joemama711
Since 3 huh? Damn, do you remember your childhood?
secretagentboi @secretagentboi Yeah mostly because it was traumatizing and instead of forgetting it i remember it vividly
毛球先生 @joemama711 Damn that sounds awful might be a best seller. I dont remember mine though my memory detrioates
secretagentboi @secretagentboi I don't remember everything but i remember random things like how in 1st grade for the majority we played games because my teacher was sick and needed surgery so we only spent like the first quarter actually learning that's also the first time I genuinely had a crush on someone where it wasn't just because of her looks but instead cause I liked how she acted telling her stories from back then was part of the reason me and her started dating in 6th grade
毛球先生 @joemama711 Thats the wolesome part aside from a sick teacher
毛球先生 @joemama711
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毛球先生 @joemama711
Thank you
毛球先生 @joemama711
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毛球先生 @joemama711
Happy birthday to you to sir
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
Happy Birthday Secret! I hope school has been going well for you? And I hope you keep working hard on your school, but also making sure to get as much rest as you can when needed. But most importantly have a great day today since it’s your Birthday, even if you are someone who may not be concerned with his Birthday much now. I hope you can do something nice for yourself today ^-^ <3
secretagentboi @secretagentboi Just gonna spend it with the fam took the day off of work and I'll probably ask for a new laptop or something since mine is making weird noises
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying I’m glad to hear that ^-^. You have a great day and eat good food too!
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
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Curly-Molto @forgetmenot