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saki @saki13
saki @saki13
Fml nothing to do nowhere to hide from all f this pain and sadness along with this madness why me?
I ask this in not a question but in a vain I get answer, but I don't want the answer says my heart, I crave the answer say my mind.
P.s. this is an off kilter poem that describes me as of the past 3 months and the present.

saki @saki13
saki @saki13
That feeling when all of your matches are older then you -_-

saki @saki13
saki @saki13
Finished my newest rendering but wont post anything till I have three more!
ANIME BLOG ( あにめbぉg)

saki @saki13
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ANIME BLOG ( あにめbぉg)
saki @saki13
I want it to say the exact same it does in English because I think would be a benefactor for the blog itself but as well as both cultures

saki @saki13
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saki @saki13