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Mar 01, 17 at 1:17am
http://akibatan.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/favorite-former-enemy-from-gundam-05.gif Thanks you guys for chatting with me, having someone to talk to is always good ^^
Mar 01, 17 at 1:14am
http://68.media.tumblr.com/8e68a3c23012f07ebe689dcf8d693b5e/tumblr_ntx7e5niJ31s7g1feo1_500.gif I feel better now, I think I got everything out of my system :)
Feb 28, 17 at 10:05pm
I don't know how to feel right now I fell in love with a girl named Luz It was short but sweet, she helped me a lot for the few months I knew her as a co-worker, as a friend, as someone special not many girls go out of their way to call and wake you up, ask you out for lunch or the movies, or even set up your driving test I have laughed, cried, and had good times with her In the end I can truly say that I Loved her Heck, my parent's loved her too (not romantically) She had a Opportunity that could change her life, open doors for her, and asked me what I thought about it (this was yesterday) A little part of me wanted to say no, don't take it But I told her she should take it, I was happy for her and would support her with her decision I wasn't gonna stand in the way of that, wouldn't be able to live with myself had I told her the opposite Tomorrow is my Driving Test, the same one she set up for me She wasn't suppose to tell me about her situation, because it was tomorrow as well, she didn't want to throw me off But I'm glad she did tell me now instead of later I wish I could've had more time, but that's never the case in life the only thing I regret is me not telling her how I truly felt about her but maybe not telling her was for the best, don't need her to second guess her decision that's life I even bought her a gift, but she's gone now I wish nothing but the best for her I love her http://cdn1-www.craveonline.com/assets/mandatory/legacy/2016/08/man_file_1113588_10_greatest_comedy_movie_lines.gif
Red @redhawk #Heartbroken
Feb 28, 17 at 6:25pm
Tennis today was fun, but now I'm tired DX
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 left a comment for Red
Feb 28, 17 at 5:53pm
Anna senpai~ @winterangel left a comment for Red
Feb 28, 17 at 5:10pm
Sooo cuuuteee ><
Anna senpai~ @winterangel left a comment for Red
Feb 28, 17 at 4:11pm
Awww kawaii :3
Anna senpai~ @winterangel left a comment for Red
Feb 28, 17 at 3:54pm
Omg xD
Anna senpai~ @winterangel left a comment for Red
Feb 28, 17 at 3:11pm
Jeez xD
Ed~ @yamadaed Someone wants Jizz bukkake tendencies are back~
Anna senpai~ @winterangel left a comment for Red
Feb 28, 17 at 2:53pm
Senpai being possessive oh my ><