luciendar2k @luciendar2k
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luciendar2k @luciendar2k
Sounds fun. Do you get into any online gaming or anything? Game of Thrones ended the season crazy early. My daughter loves Steven Universe so I watch that with her from time to time.
luciendar2k @luciendar2k
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luciendar2k @luciendar2k
Yes, I said slightly, didn't want to brag lol. I'm doing college nonsense at the moment. Trying to get everything squared away before the weekend so I can spend some time gaming. What about you? Watching or playing anything good?
Max @reclaw
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Max @reclaw
Night night!
luciendar2k @luciendar2k
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luciendar2k @luciendar2k
Recently re-emerged back onto Maiotaku. From where... let's not talk about it, it was dark and I heard little girls laughing. Just creepy as shit. Anywho, read your info page and you seem like my kinda people, sarcastic, amusing, and perhaps slightly deranged, so I figured we'd be fast friends lol.
azanarchy @azanarchy
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azanarchy @azanarchy
We legit hardly touch the thing and it's overgrown haha. Maybe my mom just has a green thumb. The 4 o'clocks are my favorite. They smell so good at night
azanarchy @azanarchy
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azanarchy @azanarchy
The 4 O'clocks and Roses have gotten a little to overgrown
azanarchy @azanarchy
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azanarchy @azanarchy
Me to ^^ my heart goes out to everyone on the coast though >.<
Well my herbs and grape vine were probably thirsty everything else needs to chill on the water intake.
azanarchy @azanarchy
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azanarchy @azanarchy
Fortunately where I live we just got some really nice heavy rain (which my plants needed) and a little wind. I slept through the worst of it the other day and I don't think it'll really hit here much if at all anymore.
Yeah >:D
azanarchy @azanarchy
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azanarchy @azanarchy
Hihi! Yes ma'am I am ^^ I'm trying to stay safe but I almost got ran over earlier. No one can take me out though c:<
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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BurningHalo @burninghalo
I most certainly can. Let me know which picture you want me to do or if you want to leave it up to me