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28 year old Male
Last online 5ヶ月 ago
Dec 19, 17 at 2:52am
I like music I like chocolate I like rainbows I like pastel colors I like eating I like dreaming I like red I like the dark I like night time I like rabbits I like people that smile I like straight eyebrows I like when people remember ur birthdays I like to walk outside at night I like talking I like being quite I like funny videos I like pewdiepie I like blonde hair I like Christmas I like pretty shinee lights I like painting my nails I like listening to music loudly and screaming the lyrics to release stress I like doing my own hair I like touching other people's hair I like gold, white, pink, and beige I like listening to u talk I like ur voice I like my shoes I like Mondays I like hot chocolate I like books I like smelling books I like candles I like when u tie my shoe laces I like when u tell me ur problems I like ur simple gestures I like sharing stuff with u I like people that are nice I like pretty nails I like when u notice I like buying stickers I like drawing rabbits I like poking people I like people's reactions I hate my height I hate my hair color I hate my nose I hate people that don't apologize I hate walking I hate cleaning after other people I hate my tights I hate biting my nails I hate dieting I hate caring I hate loud noises I hate when others take stuff away without asking first. I hate when u make more rulers I hate the sun I hate when u ignore me I hate when u lie I hate trying to hard I hate my feet I hate strict I can be I hate pimples I hate stressing out I hate crying infront of others I hate people I hate the hot weather I hate sweating I hate when u scream at me I hate cramps I hate looking at u I hate being jealous I hate bright lights I hate calories I hate exercising I hate emotions I hate being immature I hate when u compare me to others I hate being useless I hate myself I hate sharks I hate people that snore I hate talking in public I hate my voice I hate when u tease me I hate stupid jokes I hate when u laught at my mistakes I hate sleeping I hate how u try to hard
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 I like smol things like dogs and people I hate getting close to people
Triscuit @bob_loblaw This post makes me think of this song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zBGhG2gxUg
Dec 19, 17 at 1:32am
nobody seem to appreciate something well, in till it's gone.
Dec 18, 17 at 4:22pm
https://78.media.tumblr.com/c038961a0f4edd12f1d3b70a3d9aad54/tumblr_p15y0oxAjA1vwpgbso8_r1_400.gif thank u for this great 10 yrs, you'll be missed.
Red @redhawk left a comment for Nini
Dec 18, 17 at 3:03am
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 That girl has some huge ass hands holy shit
panda @death543 left a comment for Nini
Dec 18, 17 at 3:01am
hola :3
Triscuit @bob_loblaw left a comment for Nini
Dec 18, 17 at 2:47am
Unless some kind of huge douchebag revelation comes up in the final trial, right now I don't despise Kokichi as much as I did. He's not on the same level as Nagito, but there's some similarities! Especially with Kokichi's motive after the 5th trial... you finished the game, right? I don't wanna spoil anything...
Triscuit @bob_loblaw Ughhh that last trial just went on and on and on and on... The plot twist was amazing, but then after that it just went on and on and on and on... I actually started to get bored and annoyed, so I was entire scenes of dialogue... >_>
Triscuit @bob_loblaw Now that I've played all 3 games, I'd say my fav is the first one.
Triscuit @bob_loblaw *was SKIPPING entire scenes of dialogue
Nini @mikan_kat true! i still kind of prefer the first one, but i didnt like the chapter 2. if they could change that it would be my fav. so the second one is my fav mostly cuz of chapter 2 n 3 n 5.
Triscuit @bob_loblaw I also felt the whole killing game setup in the first one was the most believable. The reactions when a dead body was found, and the motives forcing someone to kill were the most realistic to me. Goodbye Despair was really good in those areas too tho.
Triscuit @bob_loblaw But Junko was the best in the first game.
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw left a comment for Nini
Dec 18, 17 at 1:00am
meh death seems cool but apparently hes not very friendly to mortals :c
Dec 17, 17 at 2:07am
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd28a9e29e4ecb4caae60707c24a76cda40f46f7d03ea041fb477c00f6c9c663.gif?w=600&h=250 when u only expected a kiss, but end up getting licked.dafuck? what even suda.
SoCKs @epsilon_52 left a comment for Nini
Dec 15, 17 at 6:42pm
Where's my fucking pocky.
Red @redhawk Lol jk jk
Nini @mikan_kat whats a pocky ?
SoCKs @epsilon_52 Some good shit.
alucardfh @alucardfh left a comment for Nini
Dec 15, 17 at 7:17am
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