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kiomaple @kiomaple
kiomaple @kiomaple
Yes, I hope the quality doesn't drop off though, I liked season 3's sorta return after the tragedy that was season 2, but it still wasn't as good as season 1. But I am a sucker for it, so I will await season 4 patiently

Keqings king @vegas1988
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Keqings king @vegas1988
Hey a fellow shield hero fan are you excited for season 4?

Keqings king @vegas1988
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Keqings king @vegas1988
Hey a fellow shield hero fan are you excited for season 4?

renan_souza1995 @renan_souza1995
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renan_souza1995 @renan_souza1995
Hello! I liked your description and I can see we have some animes in common.
Can we be friends?