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36 year old Male
Well i love Anime and Manga of course, its so bad i dont see myself getting married....ever. But of course I love anime even if i was married id love it, more then my spouse!! XD well maybe. What about me? well its obvious im an otaku so no need to explain about all that stuff, other then that I love to hunt and fish (ice fishing too) I love writing Fantasy and sci fi stories most of my work can be found on myspace, my music of choice is 80s metal/glam/rock/pop (ongio boingo whoo!!)I work a slaving schedual at wal mart (over nights) so its kind of hard for me to be active during the sun time for all you daywalkers out there. I consider myself to be a pretty decent artist all my work can be found on deviant art, its mostly all anime and zelda drawings (is it suprising?) and yes im not normal im INSANE and crazy when im awake, most people find it cute but i act like im at anime conventions even though im not at one....anything else you wanna know just ask! im an awsomeo person to get to know, i can be kind of anoying when i talk online but that because my brain has a bad case of ADD I can never calm down when i think. Video games of course i got hooked when i was 5 the 1st game i ever played was super mario brothers 3 it still is my all time fav. But to get more serious I am a final fantasy whore!!! I love each chapter to death, I can't stand ppl who fight over what one is the best they are all good so if you love final fantasy you get free candy ^_^ other then FF i enjoy other long running series such as metal gear solid, the legend of zelda, super mario brothers (yes brothers i cant see why nintendo hates luigi so much he is so unloved these days) star fox, pokemon, .hack and of course KINGDOM HEARTS god damn <3 shadow of the colossus, resident evil, ZORK (lol) Star ocean, golden sun, ark the lad, oh god i could go on for years so if u love a game chances are i love it more^^ As for anime i remember the day i got hooked. Believe it or not in 5th grade we had dragon ball Z classes every friday for 1hr, studys included written storys we had to act out live in class (fate gave me the option of picking vegeta) pop quizzes and we end the class with a dbz episode (the very old WB ocean dub episodes at the time) After that toonami came into my life all through high school and adult swim and i was forever changed. some of my favs include: Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Dragonball Z, Akira, X, ghost in the shell, Hellsing, Elfin Lied, Death Note, Tsubasha, Green Green, Bleach, Ronin Wariors, Sailor Moon, Princess Mononoke, again anything you like i prolly like as well. Anything else you wanan know just ask me, well Bye Bye ^_^ P.S. for those of you who made it this far in reading /GLOMP YOUR Fing brains out hee hee XD! Oh yeah im just on here to make friends kuz every last one of you anime freaks are just so fuckin awsome!