gawrguraliker @gawrguraliker
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gawrguraliker @gawrguraliker
You said you like chatting but you never reply to my messages mistress. I have messaged you like 20 times the last couple of days and you always ignored me. maybe you just didnt see haha because you didnt wear your glasses haha like me sometimes haha

juwu @jijuwu B-but you excluded me and you were big mean to me aswell!

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
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Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Ily stinky OF girls ❤️

juwu @jijuwu Uwah i love you too. You are a big sweet chumbus

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 When we dating lil pookie goldielocks

juwu @jijuwu D-dating?! That is scary. >///////<

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 You asked when I'm gonna date you >.< XD pass the popcorn though

juwu @jijuwu I-I-I-I did?

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Yupperoni

Doomey5 @doomey5
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Doomey5 @doomey5
I was wondering if you would like to chat sometime

juwu @jijuwu I like chatting!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
Haha! Am I now? Well the first life lesson of the day is to never marry a man who can't perform the Safety Dance!

juwu @jijuwu Sadly I am not able to watch this video. But I am sure it is good! Just like you, you are also good!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true

Howdy, neighbor! I noticed you've graced me with your friend request. What service may I be on this fine Sunday?

juwu @jijuwu M-meowdy Sir Gustavo! I really like that sweater! It suits you well.
Service? You are supposed to teach me life lessons and most likely be my future husbando!

Doomey5 @doomey5
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Doomey5 @doomey5
Hello how are you

juwu @jijuwu Hello my Canadian best fwiendo! I am poggertastic I hope you are too! BEST REGARDS Juwu

dernegative0 @dernegative0
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dernegative0 @dernegative0
This account has been suspended.

juwu @jijuwu Please dont suspend him before I actually saw his comment, next time! :(
twisted_faces @twisted_faces
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twisted_faces @twisted_faces
i hope u feel fine today nice to meet u

juwu @jijuwu Nice to meet you too Sir! I am Juwu and I am feeling fine today. Thanks so much!

gawrguraliker @gawrguraliker
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gawrguraliker @gawrguraliker
You have thicc lips

juwu @jijuwu yasashii hito desu!

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 When are you 2 gonna date uwu.

juwu @jijuwu When will YOU date me, good Sir? I am looking for a strong and masculine man-man. Please private message me :-)

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Maim, I am too old, hairy and big, plus just because I am half German doesn't mean I live there C:.

juwu @jijuwu I like old, hairy and big! And miles are just a number.

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Already got left on read :D learned my lesson xD

juwu @jijuwu Huh??? I would never leave you on read. I am a good person. I am Juwu. Message me!

gawrguraliker @gawrguraliker
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gawrguraliker @gawrguraliker
Consider yourself a dead woman you round squishy squid person. You hooker

juwu @jijuwu o/////o daijoubu ka?