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21 year old Female
Last online 2年以上 ago
foosha villiage , Japan
Jan 06, 22 at 11:15am
Just wait you'll get yours later!!! NAMI-SWAAAN~ i made this sweet dessert just for you!
Jan 05, 22 at 5:55pm
just the fact that it makes you like sweaty at night and just the thought is so unsettling lol
Jan 05, 22 at 5:54pm
@imluffy why does that bother you? I've seen some others say it but can't figure out why that's annoying
Jan 05, 22 at 5:15pm
i think mines the best
Very festive dress. I'm a fan of that shade of blue. The blouse looked to have a Spanish print design plus it has that ruffle look.
Jan 05, 22 at 2:40pm
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for LUFFY
Jan 05, 22 at 2:14pm
Hmph, trying to make a slide about my new hairstyle I see. Tch... whatever. *cool guy sound effects*
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for LUFFY
Jan 05, 22 at 2:14pm
Hmph, trying to make a slide about my new hairstyle I see. Tch... whatever. *cool guy sound effects*
Jan 05, 22 at 11:47am
usually when a guy goes like super bald thinking they look so "cute/cool" girls are like "ew wtf did u do to your hair" then loose interest immediately
Jan 05, 22 at 11:44am
they are pretty important,
@pk_emil You should jump back in where you left off! You literally stopped watching at easily one of the greatest arcs in the entire series. The Enies Lobby/Impel Down arcs are game changers in One Piece! It could even be argued that those back to back arcs is the most vital story arc in the entire series! https://c.tenor.com/d1s-yLh9hcsAAAAC/one-piece.gif https://thumbs.gfycat.com/IncompatibleTanLadybird-size_restricted.gif
Jan 05, 22 at 11:43am
it really issss especially if you got school or work
I started reading One Piece around the Impel Down arc and have been keeping up with the manga since then. I have always been intimidated by watching the whole series, but did eventually watch from the beginning up until the Enies Lobby arc where I got a bit burnt out from watching so much at once. It's been several years and I still haven't watched through Enies Lobby up to Impel Down. I have really enjoyed the series, but man, it is such a time investment getting caught up.
Jan 05, 22 at 11:42am
wano is one of the best arcs the animation style and the plot is really good.
Got my sister and Bro-in-law watching the series and they're now getting close to the Wano Arc. They loved Luffy's Gear 4!
Jan 05, 22 at 11:42am
haha thats cool!! :))
Don't listen to a word Wacky Bob says! This is the same man who lured me into an unmarked van on the premise of helping him locate his "One Piece." At first I said NO! Because I HATE Reese's Pieces. Then Bob was like, "Naw brah, I'll add 10 Primogems to your Genshin Impact account if ya help!" He needed not say more. I was already in and before I knew it he'd slammed the van door shut. Inside was completely empty except for an air mattress with an iPad laying on top. He told me to have a seat beside him as he fiddled with the pad. Awkward silence filled the space between us before breaking to the sound of Coldplay's "Adventure of a Lifetime!" https://youtu.be/QtXby3twMmI Placing the device forcefully into my hands I then saw it was an AMV montage of One Piece clips synced to the entire library of Coldplay's songs. I observed the amateur compilation for hours and hours until my vision glazed over. Yet the torture had only began! Suddenly Bob shouted, "Look!" Turning to face him my eyes looked upon a horrific sight no grown person should ever have to bear witness. Bob whipped out his Boa Hancock and played with it! "OH MY GOD!" exclaimed I as while jumping up to run for the door. Fighting with the childproof lock in futility, the sick degenerate inched closer till I could feel heavy breathing upon the back of my exposed neck. Leaning deep into my ear Bob's lips whispered, "Put the Devil Fruit in the basket or get the rubber hose again." One final scream escaped from my mouth before passing out into unconsciousness. I don't recall anything afterwards. All I know is that when I came to I was by myself on a deserted beach. Also I was dressed in some sort of One Piece cosplay that was presumably hand stitched by Bob himself. Look! All I know is that you can't trust a One Piece fanatic. They're all a bunch of sociopathic nut jobs! End of story, coppice.