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33 year old Male
Single, Straight
約4時間 ago
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 left a comment for Gabriel
Feb 21, 25 at 5:30pm
Sorry to hear that life's been kinda shit to you lately man. I hope it's gets better from now kn
Gabriel @gabriel_true Story of our lives. What are you doing on your end?
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Just working currently, learning how offices get power, fucking up cutting Sheetrock walls and trying to get better at putting outlets in Sheetrock and running electrical wires through studs. It's pretty chill and fun career currently. What about yourself?
Gabriel @gabriel_true In and out of the doctor's office. Got a scoping scheduled for March finally.
Keqings king @vegas1988 left a comment for Gabriel
Feb 18, 25 at 12:33pm
Here is a better picture of her weapon I think it's meant to be a gun and a melee weapon as well
Gabriel @gabriel_true Looking at it from this angle it appears the blade part slides down into a straight weapon. Still as with all fantasy weapons one isn't supposed to think about how practical it is to use. The character definitely looks cool though.
Keqings king @vegas1988 Yeah she is she was originally an NPC in game
Confused as to the tub with money in it? Are they incredibly trusting people will simply deposit the cash in there to buy the merchandise or did they plan on selling the money tin too?
Feb 18, 25 at 4:57am
Look at the names. https://i.ibb.co/tT9rbdq9/FB-IMG-1739871567956.jpg
Ghost @kuharido A very good question. Maybe Mike has the answer
Thank you! I had some people at work pray over me for a swift recovery and for the doctors to find a solution that helps. All of this will be resolved at some point. I keep faith I'll be made well with Christ's guidance. With or without the medical community's assistance.
@gabriel_true Hope it's nothing serious man. That is ridiculous you have to wait for immediate danger to get checked. Praying for your swift recovery.
Keqings king @vegas1988 left a comment for Gabriel
Feb 14, 25 at 6:16pm
here is all my anime i have watched or am currently watching i fully suspect you will find some you like https://www.anime-planet.com/users/vegas1988/anime/watched
When a building identifies as female I can't imagine the pronoun game architects have to play designing them. Makes me think of something Ayn Rand would write about. "Atlas Shrugged and said let me crash into her Twin Towers with my Fountainhead!" Listen, before you say anything about how crass that joke was I want y'all to know I had suffer writing an essay for a scholarship glazing Ayn Rand's tasteless dry humor smut novels that pass themselves off as high class literature. In actuality these are nothing but some horny Russian lady's intellectually idealized sex fantasies where men with zero personality bang wealthy women with sticks up their tightwad butts as they wax poetic about the philosophy of architecture as metaphorical innuendos for repressed repressed freedom! Also she's super racist against Native Americans!
Feb 13, 25 at 7:59am
This profile might have a chance in finding love if the right person comes along.
https://comicbook.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2023/01/60f23205-52ca-468e-a3c4-ce97a393b31e.jpg Dumb minds think alike!
Feb 12, 25 at 6:13am
I feel attacked. I think this was last years from me to arc lol.
Bananya cats are real!
Bought my cat a new bed.
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Gabriel
Feb 08, 25 at 6:48pm
https://youtu.be/fWZ2FYcx1O4?si=y7AvSYjdZhUL1Mv2 All I've been getting is Gorillaz and Blur recommendations since you brought it up lol
Gabriel @gabriel_true Welcome to the Feel Good Inc.
Sorry to hear about the financial difficulty. I'm not entirely sure how to interpret the "someone's gonna die" part outside of a figure of speech. If someone you know is about to pass away it truly is regretful that's happening. Seems many people are experiencing a tragedy in close proximity to each other. I appreciate you letting us know your circumstances and will keep that in mind, Yuu. Please be safe!
Feb 03, 25 at 9:11pm
I wrote some music and did some art. I hope it's enough to peak your interest. I desperately need at least 8 more Patrons to survive the year. I mean that literally. Someone's gonna die and I'd rather it just be me at this point. Since I'm the dead weight. I'm the one that cannot support my own life. So I'm doing the last thing I can to make money. https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-song-and-121454849?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Gabriel @gabriel_true If I may, you mentioned needing 8 Patrons. Since you have tiers, are the 8 in reference to your $5 membership or the $50?
Gabriel @gabriel_true I appreciate your honesty about what you're battling currently. Having come from a family where suicide was normalized through multiple relatives succeeding I don't take such means to an end lightly. I see you mentioned in your profile that you yourself have counseled those battling that condition, so you've no doubt experienced both sides of this dilemma. We both know how cruel and unkind the world we're living in can be. It most certainly isn't fair nor always kind. That said I know we share the same planet. The same plane of existence. We're even of a common age. I don't know exactly what living in your body and mind are and won't try to imagine for fear of belittling your current suffering. All I desire to do is provide a minute respite by offering genuine assistance. Admittedly I don't feel like even if 10 people joined at $50 a month that with the current market it would be very comfortable to live off of. Still I will see what can be done, You. Is there a way to offer more through Patron? I have not used it before, so I am not sure how that system works?
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah, it really is the only way out unless I start making money from the last things I can do. To make matters worse, my brother, who is supposed to be paying me $30/month to drive him to and from work throughout the week(he also pays $60 in petrol a month), he has lowered his tier on Patron, so now I'm needing 10 more Patrons to make up for what I lost. I'll have to ask him tomorrow why he's stopped paying me the amount I was before. As for how my Patreon works, currently all tiers get stickers on their birthdays and Patron anniversary, early access to my manga and the light novel, and exclusive content and polls I don't post anywhere else. Which includes music and coupons for my online store, where I take requests for. It isn't much, but it's honest work and the only work I'm physically able to do. Especially since I don't have time for another job on top of the several things I already do to make money. Which includes taking care of my mother and driving my siblings and friend to and from work. I make under $200 a month from all sources, which is a pittance compared to how much I need to make in order to save anything to get out of here. Sorry to rant, it's just... it's a lot right now.
Gabriel @gabriel_true I agree that's a small amount to live off of. I would hope that there are some other ways for you to make a living that didn't fully rely on speculative income. Hopefully you are maybe able to do remote work for a company. One that wasn't customer service driven. In any capacity, I will see what I can do to help. Please continue to work towards your goals no matter what challenges you face. You do matter greatly. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me about this, Yuu.
yuuzora @yuuzora Likewise. It isn't often I speak openly about this subject. I already drive 30 hours a week, my other MO friend convinced me I need to start charging my siblings and friends a solid rate for my driving them around. I know they pay the petrol, too, but they're bleeding me dry for everything I do for them comparatively. Even $10/month from all four of them will make a difference. I do have tenacity somewhere in my brain. It's just since the abuse is still so constant now, it warps my brain and I just want to escape. I won't give up... I at least have to get my oldest sister out. She makes wayyy more a month and could make it work for herself. So if only she'd be more selfish and just leave while she can. I keep telling her tiny house living isn't for everyone, anyway, so she could just get a cheap apartment. Anyway! Thank you for listening. It helps to say these things out loud so I can hear how stupid they sound/look in retrospect.
Gabriel @gabriel_true I'm waiting for my tax return to clear. Hopefully it doesn't get delayed. Once it does I'll look into signing up to your Patreon.
yuuzora @yuuzora Hn. I still haven't done my taxes yet. 1099s are a real pain in the arse. And thank you. I could use all the help I can get.