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27 year old Female
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Mar 12, 20 at 9:29pm
I've found a lot of tech support positions, but I'm going to stay here for at least year before looking for a new place. I've mainly applied for data analyst and entry level software developer positions. I've gotten a few responses from places, but I don't think I have enough experience. I wish it was easier to break into the business lol. It's been about 4 weeks now, so have you started your thesis? Spring is slowly appearing and I do enjoy the warmer weather. I just don't like how a lot of people get sick during spring. We also have the Corona Virus now and that is very dangerous, so I might just be working at home now and not go out. Are you doing anything to prevent the virus or what has your government done? Recently Trump wouldn't allow any travel to Europe to combat the spread of the virus. If the scare of the virus disappeared, I'd like to do some biking and camping. It think it would be a fun way to explore my city more ^__^
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Jessie
Mar 12, 20 at 2:59pm
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Feb 01, 20 at 2:49pm
Your project seems quite complicated. I hope it doesn't prove to be too difficult and can be a good experience for you. As for my interview, unfortunately I wasn't able to get the job, but there are other opportunities out there. I believe any job that pays enough would be good enough for a 3 hour drive. That or else I would just move closer lol. Winter is starting to disappear here, which I'm quite grateful for. I no longer have to risk my life driving to work. The only bad part is that soon more bugs and mosquitoes will be waking back up T.T. Is it still winter there, are you looking forward to spring?
tidria @tidria left a comment for Jessie
Jan 29, 20 at 3:37pm
Thanks for the invitation! That sounds quite interesting. How does radiometric correction tie in though? Is the idea that it measures reflected radiation? I'm definitely an audiophile (on a budget)! As it stands I have a few methods of output; hybrid tube amp with a hybrid tube pre-amp for a warmer output, a DAC/AMP which is portable and has enough power to drive some of the more power hungry Headphones in the 50Ω + range, lastly I have a portable digital audio player with dual DACs for balanced output (very crisp/robust soundstage though not as warm as the tubes). While none of them are best in class they encompass a really dynamic range, as far as what I do- I sometimes make my own cables and modify existing components to tweak performance. I digress, I am rambling a bit! There's a lot I like about salt/fresh water animals and there are a number of games and franchises I really enjoy but I don't want to fill your whole page with a wall of text!
tidria @tidria left a comment for Jessie
Jan 28, 20 at 11:56pm
That's a very impressive list within your about section! I hope you don't mind my intruding on your activity feed but after reading all that you seemed like someone who makes for great conversation. I was curious to know if the Imaging course is similar to the rendering of a land mass based off of topographic photos? I remember hearing about that niche element of image processing back when drones were becoming more consumer accessible and people were contracting this service, I'm not sure if it's related but I thought it was a neat topic and your course reminded me of it.
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Jessie
Jan 28, 20 at 12:53am
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Jessie
Jan 13, 20 at 12:29pm
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Jan 04, 20 at 4:29pm
That sounds fantastic! I'm wishing the best for you on that proposal. Do you know what your research proposal will be on? I'm currently working as a Technical Support Services (kind of like a call center, but only for software and technical support). There is a lot to learn, so it might take a year or so to learn everything. As for the job where I just had an interview at... it's a Technology Program Associate. They rotate us through different tech departments and find out which ones we're the most fit for or enjoy and have us employ in that department. Therefore, you'll be doing a bit of front-end, back-end, data science and other types of software jobs before you settle on something. I think the pay will be better, so I hope to get the new job. The only downside is that it will take 1 hour to 1 and 1/2 hours to drive there, then the same time to drive back everyday T.T
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Jessie
Dec 31, 19 at 8:50pm
These are two opening animations for an anime convention called Daicon. The creators eventually formed Gainax who made anime like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Nadia: secret of the blue water, Gurren lagan, etc. The song is from a band called Eli. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-840keiiFDE
Ghost @kuharido This is the full Daicon Iii opening. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CQjruwkyOaU&t=177s
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Dec 29, 19 at 7:09pm
Hey Jessie, it's been a while since we last chatted lol. Well, it's probably b/c I had been in a rut job searching and finally got one. I've been sending resumes out for over 3 months w/out much responses, but now I am getting a lot! Even after I've been hired! Might be changing careers soon lol. I hope things are well on your end and that you are progressing well in your own education. Waiting for you on the "other side" (the working professional lol)