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Last online 約5年 ago
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue left a comment for Daggera
Aug 22, 16 at 3:35am
I agree! No place is safe for you in this planet from all the love of humans and dolphin species! >_< Here is my birthday gift aka your escape spaceship apparatus. I've provided your crew as well. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/01/5c/1d/015c1d873694c9289cff6432633f3d57.jpg And here is my suggested itinerary/destination for you: http://www.makemarshome.com/landing You know, just in case you and Freedom want to start building your own awesome kingdom together away from Planet Earth. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! :D
hoodedfang @hoodedfang left a comment for Daggera
Aug 21, 16 at 11:44pm
Hold on a minute a here! I wasn't planning on being online for the rest of the day until I noticed all the birthday messages. So please forgive me for the lateness of what I'm about to say. http://31.media.tumblr.com/b85dcbb6107854c8c874b608653a9aaf/tumblr_mx3z8oee3e1rlvqceo1_400.gif Ahem. Happy birthday to you! You are another year older as a chapter of your life has ended and a new one starts for another year. Hopefully with many more to come. I'm glad to have become friends with you on this site for it is fun to say complete nonsense to someone that will respond back with nonsense of their own. Through all the jokes, taunts, insults, and comebacks, I seriously think of you as a great and fun person to talk to. Aside from just having friends in your life, there will always be those special friends that you will always talk and do things a certain way with and I'm glad to think of you as one of those special friends that I've made here. Through all our disputes, no matter how silly, I enjoyed trying to find good ways to respond back to you. I use every chance to try to improve my writing ability. Even though most of the time I'm speaking complete nonsense that doesn't make much sense, I do take my time to try to say things that would have at least a little sense to keep it entertaining. You're smart, attractive, strong willed, independent, and just overall better than many people I've met in my life, both online and in real life. Don't let becoming a year older change who you are, for you are someone that doesn't need to change ever. I hope your birthday was very great and blessed. And thank you for becoming one of my friends. http://i.imgur.com/UbnZh4H.jpg So once again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAGGERA!!!! May your dreams come true, your future shine forever bright, and your life's path stay solid and strong.
‍Animekid @animekid left a comment for Daggera
Aug 21, 16 at 10:20pm
Yes when you and mochi hide from us(respectively) all it really does is encourage us to push further in the direction we were headed in the first place. Especially because you both seem to have a hard time accepting things that you deserve which only makes us want to make you accept them even more lol. If you two are lucky then I can't imagine freedom and I being any less lucky then you girls for us having met you two ^_^ You're very welcome and I'm glad you liked it ^__^ I now what you mean about it being important to you now : ) I hope you had a good birthday.
Relax, I'll just say the last happy birthday and be on my way:3 Happy Birthday again Daggera!!!!!!!! http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/927/412/1aa.jpg https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZfQusA8AYvGXRPSvMC2NPavlfnpfno4hIuUs_4u2DY7LhFOac
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Daggera
Aug 21, 16 at 7:38pm
Oh no that's true well at least you have years of erhmm mythical creature experience.
shawnji @shawnji left a comment for Daggera
Aug 21, 16 at 5:56pm
Happy Birthday, Daggera! Thanks for being an awesome person! ^_^
bobko11 @bobko11 left a comment for Daggera
Aug 21, 16 at 5:52pm
Happy birthday hope you have a great day :D
Oh Nono! No dying! I hope you have a great birthday Daggera! :D
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for Daggera
Aug 21, 16 at 4:35pm
ofc i did lol its your birthday after all when else would i say it?
Yu @metaljester left a comment for Daggera
Aug 21, 16 at 4:17pm
Happy Birthday daggera I do hope you enjoy it and have a pleasant day. Just remember that you now have currently 32 years of experience being a human, so all the more the better^