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Last online 約5年 ago
No, I still prefer women. But I'm open to possibilities. I've never dated a guy.
I explained my sexuality in a thread awhile back. For all practical considerations, I'm a straight male. However a large part of me desires to be a girl and I feel like I would be more comfortable as a female than male but my gender dysmorphia is not extreme enough to where I feel like I have to socially/surgically transition. I have dressed as a girl with full makeup a few times when I was younger for special events and really enjoyed it and felt very sexy. But I'm not androgynous enough to want to bother to do it regularly. I've also had sexual fantasies of being a girl and getting sexed by a guy, however I'm not interested in really being with masculine guys though I would consider an extremely fem or transitioning MtF for a relationship.
I originally got the idea from: http://myanimelist.net/anime/343/Tsukuyomi__Moon_Phase vampire girl with nekomimi. Also it works from a psychological perspective in the sense that vampire represents my masculine side and neko my feminine side. Although, amusingly, I'm a huge fan of loli vampire girls. Though I've chosen a masculine vampire from Diabolik Lovers as my avatar.
Give me a budget and list of games you want to play.
Lol, everyone is going to confuse you with computer suggestions!
Benam @benam left a comment for Daggera
Feb 27, 16 at 7:25pm
You know when you do something you love it's what recharges you an it becomes your vacation. Thank you for your awesome support miss Sakura :)
Feb 27, 16 at 7:21pm
Sure! :D
Feb 27, 16 at 7:08pm
Please, come to join our T.T.A's homebase, tea party! :D http://orig11.deviantart.net/35bf/f/2013/332/4/2/tea_party_by_hyldenia-d6vy5uc.png
http://orig13.deviantart.net/70f3/f/2012/348/a/0/the_smiling_girl_by_gothicemi-d5o0i9h.png i will make you proud
Okay i will get in super shape senpai *time to get get some great determination* i can do this ^_^