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Last online 約1年 ago
Chicago Heights, IL
https://forum.chickeninvaders.com/uploads/db1091/original/2X/a/a500a4847f81542b405a9d1b956aa585797e4942.gif Hugs for my vinvin aniki~ xddd
Max @reclaw Let me in on this
BurningHalo @burninghalo A hug from who are essentially my bro and lil sis on site? Amazing!
암브로시우스 @ambrosel *^* Wait, Max isn't safe from this either, I'll victimize you soon >:3
I was listening to a youtube video of Mike Love do the "birthday line" song on WGCI after watching the "dead mall" series. GOD I feel the age watching it.
BurningHalo @burninghalo Survery says most of you don't even know what the hell I'm talking about.
Aug 09, 19 at 1:58am
Thanks for the add :-D
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 05, 19 at 5:50pm
Well there was indeed one woman who crushed us relentlessly. You see, the place where I go to play only has 7 courts available, so assuming on every court there's 4 people playing a maximum of 28 people can play at the same time. It's the only non membership driven place where you can go to play for free so at times you gotta wait for a court to clear up so that you can play. One time we were playing a friend of mine and I and two girls wanted to practice serving and wished the court for themselves, we explained we had just gotten there and we were entitled to at least an hour and half of matches given the non-spoken but widely agreed rules on the place, so... We got challenged for it... And we got utterly crushed, one of the opponents was a very slim, very tall blonde girl who moved quite possible at twice my speed, now I'm not that good at reflexes, I'm kind of average on my reaction times and only when adrenaline kicks in I get better results, however, her... Regardless of how sharp the spike was or how dirty the angles used were or how slow we returned a serve she managed to counter us and force us to eat dirt. Up to this day, I'm not sure if what I felt there was love at first sight or pure amazement and fascination. Perhaps I'm just someone who enjoys being trampled over! Never saw her again afterwards, then again, I also haven't attended the courts at the same hours ever since, so maybe that's why I haven't been able to see her once more... if I do catch her I'll ask her for a rematch, even if I already know how it will end!
Going for a Jog. See ya'll later! Stay in good spirits (: https://pa1.narvii.com/5851/7521f91a150f92c005150336173282bc121dcc8c_hq.gif
Max @reclaw Have fun!
kayla123 @kayla123 left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 05, 19 at 12:19pm
Well lucky you, when it comes to talking in real life (it does not happen to me when writing, weird) in the past I used to act "the way I thought the would like me" and always ended up confusing people around me and myself. Not a good strategy, but it's true I am not like that so much anymore - I found out I wasn't able to stay like that forever and I eventually lost the persons anyway. I have learned to accept when people do not like my personality, but it's still hard for me sometimes. So it's great that you tend to be yourself, it's cool and the only way to let the people like you for real, right? And I do like your personality so far :3
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 04, 19 at 10:49pm
It depends on the opponent, most of my friends are self taught just like myself, so our own styles screw the others because we all have very complicated styles to counter. Whenever we play against properly taught players they do make remarks about how it is annoying to predict our moves, the dirtiest thing we can do is... If you imagine your side of the court as a 180 degree angle, being the furthest on the right where degree 0 starts and the furthest on the left being 180, a bunch of our returns are done in either 20 Degrees, 15, 30 or 170, 160, so basically we make almost impossible to return plays. It's hella dirty but against players who know how to control their serves and returns it's nearly impossible to beat them otherwise
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 04, 19 at 10:34pm
Yup! however if no one is watching it with me and only hearing the TV sounds, it's a bit awkward! On the local place where I would go to play some matches with friends most of the players you would see on the afterwork hours would be women actually, some of them had a very serious degree of skill where some times I wouldn't be able to even get near to scoring a single point, which is cool because skill and dedication need to be rewarded with proper results!
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for BurningHalo
Aug 04, 19 at 10:29pm
It doesn't always works! but when it does, man it's such an awesome feeling! Also, watching Tennis matches, female ones, on TV it's super uncomfortable specially if there's people around... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HD8BvwdlhI
Well...turns out that my cat is almost 100 years old in Cat years. given one more year she will be. And she's still as spry as ever x3