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33 year old Male
Last online 約4年 ago
Maya @maydragon left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 14, 16 at 2:55pm
I know, but I have been called weird way too many times I began to take it as a compliment. I didn't find the things I did or though about weird or abnormal in my point of view so it's a very nice compliment for me. But who knows, I might be a little crazy as well, haha! https://66.media.tumblr.com/93cd013c16f5d753d49479ab83064b96/tumblr_n2z2sfoYam1rcu3zjo1_500.gif
Maya @maydragon left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 14, 16 at 2:32pm
Thank you, thank you for the compliment! https://i.imgur.com/jpJuklN.gif
Maya @maydragon left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 14, 16 at 2:16pm
Ah, you think? You think I am normal? http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/3613-194764260.jpg
Maya @maydragon left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 14, 16 at 1:19pm
Aw, you need some affection? Well, a simple hug won't harm anyone, it will only make you feel better, right? Here you go, you~ http://49.media.tumblr.com/d950d88777448ba0289e92216c9d2eb6/tumblr_nckqj0NNQ11slmoneo1_500.gif
Maya @maydragon left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 14, 16 at 10:41am
At first I was thinking to put a scary face with a line "Me? Adorable? Why, thank you~" but then I changed my mind. No matter what I do, you find it cute, adorable, interesting or even intriguing in one way or another. It is so nice of you to tolerate such a creature like me. How did you end up with such a person like me? You're too good, too soft, like a cinnamon roll, haha~ http://blog-imgs-87.fc2.com/a/n/i/animetr/entry_img_5.jpg
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 13, 16 at 10:00pm
Well, they have Clown Schools, right? http://www.circopedia.org/images/thumb/7/77/Clown_College_logo.jpg/180px-Clown_College_logo.jpg Maybe there are Joke Clinics, too?
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 13, 16 at 9:27pm
I'm hopeless, aren't I? >_< I just want to be online funny, but then I end up being creepy. http://i.imgur.com/KXEJPw2.gif Thanks for the attempt to help, Azuma! >_<
Daggera @daggera Say cheese for the camera!
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 13, 16 at 9:03pm
I'm going to make a lame excuse about it being still pretty early and uneventful here because we just finished Sunday morning chores and now we're jut waiting for lunch. Nothing's been happening the past few days we might as well be *insert funny metaphor here*. That was my plan! Was it funny enough if I had followed through?
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 13, 16 at 8:20pm
You know, you might be on to something when we talked about my sense of humor yesterday (which I shall henceforth dub as Ringo Explains Her Jokes Day)! >_< Are you an expert on this? How do I get better at this, uhh, online joke delivery thing? :D http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/1772550/mr-rogers-the-demon-clown-o.gif
Maya @maydragon left a comment for azumakazuma
Aug 12, 16 at 3:32pm