amiibro @amiibro
amiibro @amiibro
Heya! Sure I don’t mind if we became friends! *shakes hand*

Tabby @chaostabbean
left a comment for
Tabby @chaostabbean
haaaaaiiiiiii!! we both live in minnesota!! :D i finally found someone who is actually in my state :D i searched through A LOT of people xDD well i was hoping we could be friends?? my name is tabbi by the way, short for tabitha!! *holds out hand to shake*

Tabby @chaostabbean
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Tabby @chaostabbean
haaaaaiiiiiii!! we both live in minnesota!! :D i finally found someone who is actually in my state :D i searched through A LOT of people xDD well i was hoping we could be friends?? my name is tabbi by the way, short for tabitha!! *holds out hand to shake*

amiibro @amiibro
amiibro @amiibro
I love the sound of thunder too!

babydoll24 @babydoll24
babydoll24 @babydoll24
It’s a lovely storm tonight! I love the sound of thunder <3

amiibro @amiibro
amiibro @amiibro
Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your stay ^^

babydoll24 @babydoll24
babydoll24 @babydoll24
Hello! I am new here so if anyone would like to message me feel free!

amiibro @amiibro
amiibro @amiibro
No problem!! =D

catt5 @catt5
catt5 @catt5
TY!! :D

amiibro @amiibro
amiibro @amiibro
Thanks for accepting!! =3

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
Thanks for the add :3

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
Thanks for the add :3

amiibro @amiibro
amiibro @amiibro
How’re you doing today?? ^^

katekimkate @katekimkate
katekimkate @katekimkate
Thank you :)

amiibro @amiibro
amiibro @amiibro
No problem! ^^

katekimkate @katekimkate
katekimkate @katekimkate
Thank you :)

amiibro @amiibro
amiibro @amiibro
If you're set to public and someone messages you....how come you can't reply to them? I'm so confused.
Mar 30-Apr 1
Apr 19-21
Apr 4-6
Mar 27-29